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Friday, July 5, 2024

7 min read

DevOps Isn’t Dead, but It’s Not in Great Health Either



In the ever-evolving world of software development, DevOps has long been hailed as the ultimate solution to streamline and accelerate the development process. However, recent findings from the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) suggest that DevOps initiatives may be facing significant challenges. The fifth annual State of CI/CD Report, unveiled at cdCon during the Open Source Summit (OSSummit) North America, highlights some troubling trends in DevOps performance metrics.

DevOps Adoption: The Good and the Bad

While an impressive 83% of developers are actively engaged in DevOps practices, the report reveals a concerning rise in the proportion of low performers. This signals that while the adoption rate remains high, the effectiveness of these practices is not meeting expectations.

High Adoption, Low Performance

The widespread adoption of DevOps reflects its perceived benefits in theory: faster development cycles, increased deployment frequency, and improved recovery times. However, the reality is more nuanced. According to a survey by SlashData’s Developer Nation, only 14% of developers can deploy code to production within a single day, a statistic that has remained stagnant since 2020. This indicates that despite the proliferation of DevOps tools and practices, many teams struggle to achieve the promised efficiencies.

Deployment Frequency Decline

Even more troubling is the decline in the frequency of code deployments. The percentage of developers deploying code multiple times per day has decreased from 11% in 2020 to 9% in 2024. This reduction suggests that achieving continuous delivery at scale remains elusive for many organizations. The decline could be attributed to several factors, including the increasing complexity of modern applications and infrastructure, as well as potential shortcomings in the implementation of CI/CD pipelines.

The Challenge of Restoring Services

One of the core benefits of DevOps is the ability to quickly restore service when issues arise. However, only 11% of DevOps users report being able to restore service in under an hour. This figure has stagnated over the past few years, highlighting a significant gap in achieving one of DevOps’ primary goals.

Slow Recovery Times

The ability to restore service rapidly is crucial in maintaining business continuity and minimizing the impact of outages. Yet, the data reveals a persistent challenge: a staggering 41% of users now report that it takes more than a week to restore services, up from 34% in 2020. This regression suggests that while DevOps practices have been widely adopted, their implementation may not be effectively reducing downtime.

The Cost of Downtime

Extended downtime can have severe repercussions, including financial losses, damaged reputation, and decreased customer trust. For businesses relying on continuous service availability, the inability to restore service promptly can lead to significant disruptions. This highlights the need for more effective incident management and recovery strategies within the DevOps framework.

The Complexity Conundrum

The report’s authors speculate that the widespread adoption of DevOps has inadvertently increased project complexity, negating the benefits to development velocity. As DevOps practices become ubiquitous, developers and organizations may be tackling more complex projects, leading to slower progress.

Increasing Complexity

While DevOps aims to streamline development and deployment processes, its adoption has sometimes led to increased complexity. The integration of various tools and technologies, along with the need to manage intricate workflows, can create additional challenges. As projects grow in complexity, the intended benefits of DevOps—such as faster delivery and improved collaboration—can be undermined.

Focus on Useful Technologies

Another insight from the report is that as DevOps matures, developers tend to focus on technologies they find most useful. However, this focus does not always correlate with improved deployment performance. This disconnect underscores the need for a strategic evaluation of DevOps tools and practices. Organizations must carefully assess the impact of their chosen technologies on overall performance and ensure they are optimizing their toolsets for maximum efficiency.

Tool Overload and Alarm Fatigue

The use of multiple CI/CD tools can hinder deployment performance due to interoperability challenges. While deploying with more DevOps tools can speed up processes, it also increases mental load. Alarm fatigue, where constant alerts lead to desensitization and overlooked issues, is a significant concern.

The Pitfalls of Tool Overload

Using multiple CI/CD tools can create interoperability challenges, complicating the deployment process. While it might seem beneficial to leverage a variety of tools to cover different aspects of the development lifecycle, this approach can lead to increased complexity and coordination issues. The report suggests that deployment performance suffers when multiple CI/CD tools are used concurrently due to these challenges.

Alarm Fatigue

Alarm fatigue is another critical issue. In a DevOps environment, various monitoring and alerting tools continuously notify teams of potential issues. However, when these alerts become too frequent, they can overwhelm the team, leading to important warnings being ignored. This can result in severe production issues going unnoticed until they cause significant damage. Effective alert management and prioritization are essential to mitigate alarm fatigue and ensure critical alerts receive the attention they deserve.

Declining CI/CD Usage

The report also notes a slight decline in CI/CD usage. In Q3 2023, 33% of developers used CI to build and test code changes automatically. By Q1 2024, this number had dropped to 29%. Similarly, CD usage to automate code deployments remained at 29%.

The Importance of CI/CD

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are foundational practices in DevOps, enabling teams to build, test, and deploy code changes more efficiently. The decline in CI/CD usage is concerning as it indicates a potential shift away from these best practices. The reasons behind this decline could range from challenges in implementing CI/CD pipelines effectively to a lack of understanding of their benefits.

Addressing the Decline

Organizations must reassess their CI/CD strategies to ensure they are maximizing the potential of these practices. Investing in training and resources to improve CI/CD implementation can lead to better development outcomes and increased efficiency. It is also essential to promote a culture that values continuous improvement and the adoption of best practices in software development.

The Way Forward

It’s crucial for companies to assess their DevOps and CI/CD strategies to maximize their benefits. While these tools are undoubtedly helpful, their current implementation may not be as effective as it could be. A deeper investigation by vendor-neutral DevOps organizations like the CDF may be necessary to identify and address these issues.

Strategic Evaluation

Organizations should conduct a strategic evaluation of their DevOps practices and toolsets. This includes assessing the effectiveness of current tools, identifying areas for improvement, and ensuring that the chosen technologies align with their specific needs. By focusing on optimizing their DevOps strategies, companies can achieve better outcomes and overcome the challenges highlighted in the report.

Embracing Best Practices

Adopting best practices in DevOps and CI/CD is essential for success. This includes continuous learning, staying updated with the latest industry trends, and actively participating in the DevOps community. Collaboration and knowledge sharing can help organizations stay ahead of the curve and implement more effective DevOps strategies.


DevOps remains a vital methodology in the software development landscape, but it is facing significant challenges. The findings from the CDF’s State of CI/CD Report suggest that while adoption is high, effectiveness is lagging. Addressing the complexities and tool-related issues within DevOps practices is essential for realizing its full potential.

For more insights on the latest trends in DevOps and CI/CD, stay tuned to our blog and join the conversation on how to optimize these critical practices in your organization.

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